Squad Sports Terms for Holiday Camp Service
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand Squad Sports Terms and Conditions and approve of my child’s involvement in Squad Sports Holiday Program.
Booking and payment is to be completed prior to any Squad Sports events. All booking are made via our website online registration and payment method. If paying cash for an event a manual form must be filled and signed prior to the commencement of an camp. All manual forms acts as acceptance to the terms and conditions of the Squad Sports Camp including any future camps you may be booking via cash.
For cancellations more than 7 days prior to the commencement of an event a full refund less $20 administration fee will be given
For cancellations less than 7 days prior to the commencement or during the camp, except on production of medical certificate, a refund will not be given. We require all cancellations in writing and sent via email to hellosquadsports@gmail.com as they are judged on a case by case basis. Production of medical certificates within 7 days from the commencement of a camp will warrant a credit for a future camp of the same value
Medical Clearance and Consent
You must complete the Medical condition section of our online registration form
If your child has a medical condition you are strongly advised to seek a registered medical practitioner's advice before booking into an event due to the nature of physical activity during our events
If your child has a medical condition and is unable to obtain clearance from a registered Medical practitioner then he/she cannot register for the event
In the event of any accident or illness, the parent/guardian authorises any medical assistance/hospital treatment that your child may require. You accept full responsibility for all expenses incurred.
You authorise Squad Sports to release healthcare information as stated by you on the registration form to any health care professionals that may need to deal with your child in the event of an emergency.
By enrolling your child/children, you declare that your child/children are fit to participate in all activities and consent to release Squad Sports, the Director & all staff from any claim or liability arising directly or indirectly from the programmed activities.
Except as otherwise expressly required by law, Squad Sports does not accept any liability for personal injury, property damage or loss sustained by any participant as a result of his or her participation in a camp due to any cause whatsoever unless caused by the proven negligence of Squad Sports, its Directors or employees.
If you have stated in the online form of any medical condition or special needs that warrant specific medication (e.g auto-injector/asthma) it is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to supply any medication/s required for that particular child/children. All medication must be labelled with the child's full name, dosage amount and instructions and a form must be filled out on the morning of the camp (e.g. antibiotics).
I acknowledge that my child will not attend the Service if suffering from an infectious or communicable disease as identified by the Department of Health.
I acknowledge COVID-19 government regulations restrict my child from attending Squad Sports if they present with flu/cold symptoms. I will notify the camp coordinator immediately.
I understand Squad Sports will send my child home if they present with cold/flu symptoms at the sports camp.
Safety Rules and Regulations
You understand that it is expected that children’s behaviour will be exemplary at all times in order for the safe conduct of the event
All participants including parents agree to read and abide by the Code of Behaviour compiled by the Aus Sports Commission – refer to website for document-https://www.playbytherules.net.au/assets/media/interactive/Junior_Sport_...
If at any time the supervisor/coach considers your child is continuously jeopardising the safety of others and/or disrupting the event by means of bullying or not following general and safety instructions, then he/she will be asked to stop participating until further notice. Squad Sports will contact parents/guardians to provide a full report of the incident.
I authorise staff to apply sunscreen to my child
I authorise staff to remind my child to regularly use hand sanitiser to keep COVID Safe and wash hands frequently to maximise hygiene.
Inclement Weather
Squad Sports Camps are not cancelled. All camps have a registration capacity set to ensure in the event of any inclement weather, the program can still continue using the indoor facilities/undercover areas of the grounds/venue.
Squad Sports may take photos on the day for promotional marketing purposes and media publications relating solely to Squad Sports. Photos/images will not be sold to third parties. Unless specified otherwise upon registration, Squad Sports reserves the right to use their content for advertising purposes. These photos and videos may include your child’s name, sound and visual recordings of your child.
These photos may be used for the promotion of future camps and to keep parents informed via flyers, brochures, Squad Sports website and Squad Sports Facebook page. The communication in which your child may be displayed may be published but are not limited to: Squad Sports website, school newsletters, flyers, Squad Sports social media account on networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, kids holiday event magazine and websites and other promotional material published in print and electronically.
Parents should be aware that when information is published on public websites and school media channels, it can be discoverable online for a number of years, if not permanently. Search engines may also cache or retain copies of published information. Published information can also be linked to by third parties.
If you wish for your child not to be included in any photos or video footage please email the camp coordinator, Keryn Simpson at hellosquadsports@gmail.com as we must have this in writing.
Part of the Squad Sports holiday program is for all registrants to receive an edited clip of the video footage and photos from their time at the camp. This is a gift for registrants to remember their time with Squad Sports. Unless placed in writing you allow your child/children to be included in this small video.
Punctuality, Attendance and Participation
You consent to the attendance of your child/children to the Squad Sports School Holiday Day Camp
You consent for your child/children to participate in any water based activity provided and understand that notification of any water based activities will be informed prior to registration. Water based activities are all land-based. If your child is not allowed to get wet the camp coordinator, Keryn Simpson must be notified in writing.
All Squad Sport events have been designed to ensure the safety of all participants. It is your responsibility for your child to arrive in time for the commencement of the event. A warm up is a vital component prior to physical exercise.
You understand that you are responsible for the transportation of your child to and from the camp and the supervision before the commencement of the event and after the conclusion. Camp commences at 9am and concludes at 3pm. If you require extended hours (8am-4pm) you must register your child for this additional service (see below).
You understand that only the parent/guardian or nominated person on registration form must sign that particular child/children in and out of camp each day. If this person changes, the parent of that child must contact the camp coordinator, Keryn Simpson.
Squad Sports encourage parents not to bring any nuts or nut based products to the camps. In the interests of all involved in this event, please ensure that products containing nuts are not brought on the days you will be attending.
Lost Property
Participants will be responsible for their own belongings. We advise children not to bring any valuables with them (ipods, toys etc.)
Squad Sports will not be held responsible for the loss of any property including electronic devices. If you need to contact your child at the camp please call any of the staff listed on the welcome pack.
Mailing List
By signing up for a Squad Sports camp you accept to join our mailing list so we can keep in touch and notify of future camp dates.
Informed Consent
By submitting any registration forms online, you give your consent that you have read in its entirety, understand and accept all terms and conditions and code of conduct. Submitting the online form or filling/signing a manual cash form is classed as consent.
Extended Hours Service & Before/After Camp Hours
Camp commences at 9am and concludes at 3pm. If you need your child/children supervised by staff members of Squad Sports prior and after the standard 9am-3pm camp hours please read all information stated below.
Extended hours starts from 8am-9.00am and concludes from 3.00pm-4.00pm.
Payment for additional two hours per day must be made in registration process. Select extended hours option.
A minimum of 2 staff members will be supervising all children booked in.
A late pick up charge of $15.00 per 15 minutes or part thereof, per child, applies after the Service finishing time of 3.00pm or 4.00pm.
All before and after camp sessions must be booked by the regular camp registration cut-off date. An invoice will be sent for extended hours/late pick up to your email address for you to pay via direct transfer or credit card payment through Stripe. This invoice must be paid within 24 hours.
For cancellations more than 7 days prior to the commencement of an event a full refund will be given.
For cancellations less than 7 days prior to the commencement or during the camp, except on supplying of a medical certificate, a refund will not be given. We require all cancellations in writing and sent via email to hellosquadsports@gmail.com
No acceptance of bookings will be made after the camp registration cut-off date as Squad Sports need to allocate staffing to ensure ratios of child to coach are met.
Squad Sports is a registered COVID-Safe business.
All other terms and conditions for the Squad Sports camp above applies to the before and after camp service.
Squad Sports will not provide any food or drinks during this time. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians who book for this additional service to ensure that adequate drinks/snacks are provided for your child/children. Squad Sports camp venues have access to fresh water if your child's water bottle needs re-filling.
Squad Sports have formed and developed the extended hours camp service to allow us to cater for the broader community of working parents. We take pride in having the best sport holiday camp and are offering this to ensure more children can be a part of the Squad Sports Camp experience. However it must be fully understood that our regular camp commences at 9am and concludes at 3pm. Therefore supervision by Squad Sports staff during the before and after sessions will involve basic activities including craft, drawing, board games, G-rated movies, minor games etc. We must acknowledge that the children will be physically active from 9am-3pm as part of our great Squad Sports Camp program and therefore other alternate activities will be arranged before and after camp time to ensure children are not fatigued.
Squad Sports Code of Conduct
Squad Sports’ Responsibilities:
Develop child friendly programs that appropriately cater for the needs of the children involved.
Provide safe equipment for participants to use that are regularly checked.
Ensure that all employees hold a current working with children check.
Provide an environment that is free from bullying and harassment and if bullying and/or harassment are recognised, all efforts will be made to appropriately manage the situation.
If necessary, first aid is applied to any participant that requires it.
Participants/Parent/Caregiver Responsibilities:
Ensure that all participants partake in a way that enables the enjoyment of all involved.
Squad Sports rules and regulations in regards to activity and safety rules are adhered to. This will ensure the safety and wellbeing of all involved.
Payments are made when required and terms and conditions are accepted prior to participation.
All employees, volunteers and participants have the right to feel safe and enjoy themselves during all Squad Sports events.
The use of enjoyable games and activities to promote physical activity and overall wellbeing are of paramount importance to us.
We are confident that you will enjoy your experience with us.
If for any reason you do not, please contact us to discuss the matter so we can endeavour to improve our service to you!